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Dear IATEFL Slovenia Members and future members of our IATEFL Slovenia Family,

We are proud to announce the 25th International IATEFL Slovenia Conference 2018 which will be held at Terme Topolšica from 8th to 11th March 2018.

Next year’s title is Imagine… which will undoubtedly inspire us to evolve, to share, to engage in becoming even better teachers as well as offer a great variety of workshops and plenaries.

Registration opens in August and it is cheaper if you become a member.

To become a member, simply fill in your details in this FORM (Slovenian) or this FORM (English).


  • Earliest of birds valid only until 15th September 2017 (members 40 eur, non-members: 90 eur)
  • Early bird until 10th January 2018 (members 60 eur, non-members: 120 eur)
  • Regular registration until 27th February 2018 (members 90 eur, non-members: 150 eur)
  • Regular registration after 27th February 2018 (members 100 eur, non-members: 170 eur)
  • One day registration until 10th January 2018 (members 35 eur, non-members: 80 eur)
  • One day registration until 27th February 2018 (members: 50 eur, non-members: 90 eur)
  • One day registration after 27th February 2018 and onsite (members: 60 eur, non-members: 100 eur)

We are already super excited and inspired!

IATEFL Slovenia

(Skupno 399 obiskov, današnjih obiskov 1)